Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Heart

This summer has been one of the most crappiest summers i've ever had. It started out fine in the beginning when school was out I remember coming home back from college. Saying "Yes four months of summer," I thought it would be the summer of my life. The first two months were great hung out with my girl and we went out had fun she had school still but I also hung out with my friends well my best friends Jake who is a extremely smart guy and Jessy a chilled out friend those two guys are my family my blood. My girl on the other hand was more then that she was my life my world. Every time I would see her I would get this faster heart beat and I was nervous even though we'd been dating for so long now that it felt like eternity. I was still madly in love with her as April and May passed the summer was like any other. However when July hit things started going bad, Not only would I move from my home of Mississauga i'd move to a small town with people I knew it was going to be hard and then the problems started with my girl and at the end of the summer Im left by myself because she didn't care anymore and because "the spark was gone," what the hell does that mean anyways I'm getting over this hopefully the next girl I meet will treat me better, and will actually care even when two years pass she'll still have the love she had for me the first day we met. Anyways for now I'm living life, Kidhuf