Monday, December 27, 2010

The Online Journal #1

So.. I thought to myself as I sat in my room today. Sitting on my bed pondering on what to do. I came up with I like to write more then I like to talk har har. So now I don't want to make a promise on writing everyday but I will try to make it habit to post one post for everyday. I'm calling this my online journal because it's more convenient then writing in a book and I can make it very creative. Today I woke up at 10:07 random time hah, I rolled around in my bed because I didn't want to get up. I go through my daily ritual of opening my macbook, going to my hotmail, facebook, twitter, and finally going to the shower. I brush my teeth, go to the washroom, then head downstairs I never eat breakfast I know I'm weird. However I just don't like to eat I don't know why like I do but it's a love hate thing. Im actually very shy, and quiet. I've started to build these social barriers up well like social barriers meaning like I don't care what people think of me anymore I learned that from someone very smart along time ago. Won't mention any names. I don't even know if people even come on my blog, I'm just like the ugly duckling I guess. Hopefully one day my life will be as beautiful as the swan the ugly duckling turns out to be. Right now I'm typing up this mess of letters and after i'll probably browse the internet for some stuff like skateboarding, and end up on facebook somehow.

Uhm.. I think i'll write these every Monday I know I said everyday or Friday.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Lost, Alone, Empty




He sits

His breath slow

Tears fall from his face

Lost he is scared of everything

He is alone no one to hold on to

No one to hold him and ask how he is doing

His heart is empty, only he hears a beat but feels dead

Suddenly a light shines over him, but it's just the moon

When will this emptyness be filled again?

To scared to be loved or love anyone he has trust problems

He fears to give his heart out and let it be crushed.

If he never tries he will never know

For now he is lost.. .

Winter 2010 let it begin

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010

More of the girls showed up

Three Initials

I've enjoyed smiles, laughter, and a lot of memories with all of my friends here at Mohawk College, and even if we're labeled as the kids who don't work as hard as the others. I stand by my family till the day I die, the people I have met in this college have become my family who I will always be my brothers. If I can take anything away from going to college it would have to be that it's not all about the work, studying, and trying to better yourself so you can get some job and have no connections. It's all about the connections the connections you make and the friends you make. Three guys will always have me behind them for the rest of their lives they know who they are.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bubble tea

Lychee, mango, and milk tea are the best but that's only my opinion. I think taro taste like burnt stuff and most people like it but it's not for me.