Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Trying to survive


Hey guys just another day at Mohawk, Sitting in one of the lounges well this ones the heath lounge. It has purple comfy couches and everyones really loud feels just like home except for the purple couches. Just waiting for my friend to arrive so we can start working on our homework together. Its pretty warm in the school and its friken cold outside, why cant it be just one nice temperature maybe 20 or something. I will be able to finish this assignment before friday so ill have enough time to check it over and to hand it on time. I had to tell my editor for the paper I write for that I can't do the news story they gave me because it's interfering with my homework, I hope there not mad at me. Because there will always be stories to do, so i should just take this time to finish homework and assignments and when I feel I'm up to submitting another story ill try it out again.
Anyways thats how my morning is going

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