Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Fam

Lucas Gabriel Lubin-
A kid from Simcoe, Ontario named Lucas Lubin. A kid from a small town of 15,000 he ain't just a kid he's a real man. This guy will stick out with you in the hardest times, he's funny, he's fun to get along with, and he understands like a mature adult. Not most people can be called "Mature adults at 19 years old" however he is because he takes things seriously at times and know when to joke. He might have been valedictorian of his school, he might have been in the army these experiences he has had have shaped him to be the person he is today a intelligent cool fun energetic person who will always be there for you like your parents were when you were little. He is the guy a girl should go out with he's got love and affection and hes not afraid to show it. A friend in need is this kid you should be his friend because no matter what he's got your back.
He also loves Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Relationships

Be sure to visit his blog: http://lucaslubin.tumblr.c

Thanks Giving

A time where our family for once gets around and sits laughs smiles and has a great time where all else is forgotten. We cherish these times we have together and will remember them as we grow up, the more memories we gather now the more we will remember. I shared my Thanksgiving with my family Mom, brothers: Ali, Amer, and Adil, sister: Noor she is very special made the Thanksgiving very thoughtful with her game. That consisted of you sit down and when you open your napkin it either said "So sorry sorry you lose" is what I got and if you won you received a prize that my sister made. Makes me tear up when I talk about it I know I'm soft. It was an wonderful day and I will treasure the memories I got that day. =] My grandparents were also there they always come and I love there time they come to see us. My girlfriend was there also I love her so much 11 months very soon. All and all it was a great day.

Wings Wild

Winging out at wings wild got the "Flew the coop" and the "Honey Buns" wings with fried pickles was a great experience will go back again very very delicious.

Thursday, October 1, 2009



There is this fat kid in my class like I don't like to be mean or anything. But honestly this guy hates me for no reason. Im not loud, haha, I don't make a lot of noise and this guy just grills me in my face. I sat beside him in a current affairs class and he was just grunting and shit like he wanted me to leave class. Its people like that who really "grind my gears" lol.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Trying to survive


Hey guys just another day at Mohawk, Sitting in one of the lounges well this ones the heath lounge. It has purple comfy couches and everyones really loud feels just like home except for the purple couches. Just waiting for my friend to arrive so we can start working on our homework together. Its pretty warm in the school and its friken cold outside, why cant it be just one nice temperature maybe 20 or something. I will be able to finish this assignment before friday so ill have enough time to check it over and to hand it on time. I had to tell my editor for the paper I write for that I can't do the news story they gave me because it's interfering with my homework, I hope there not mad at me. Because there will always be stories to do, so i should just take this time to finish homework and assignments and when I feel I'm up to submitting another story ill try it out again.
Anyways thats how my morning is going

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Four Weeks Already!-
I am in my 4th week of college and just starting to get used to the routine I'm in.I got some new friends such as; Lucas, Sami, Jordan, Nick, Owen, Lawrence and Jordan we call our selves "TheFam". Because we are always together and we helpeach other out. We are like a little family that supports each other. The 4 weeks i'vehad at college have been really cool from getting into the newspaper and writing for it and then being published in the paper. It really makes me feel like I'm becoming what i've dreamt of being for along time. Some people say oh hey I want to become a Journalist but its hard work lots of writing and reading and assignments and test. However that's life, life is hard and with hard work and dedication and commitment "The Fam" will make through these 3 years and it'll be a hard effort put in.